Sermons by Wendy Karn

Sermons by Wendy Karn

Stories from the Civil Rights Movement

Join us as we explore, author Annemarie Mingo’s account of how Black Churchwomen’s understanding of God became action and transformed a nation, as we celebrate Martin Luther King Day.

Christmas Eve 2024

Wendy Karn, our Intern Minister, will lead this special service filled with stories of hope and songs of peace and joy to the world.

The Winter Solstice

In this service we will celebrate the gifts and magical things that appear in darkness as we welcome the first days of Winter.

Sanity is Overrated

Embracing the Messiness of Mental Health. We humans tend to ascribe all bad things to mental health issues, but the reality is that the mentally ill are not any different any of us. In fact, they are us.

The Love Among Us

With election day fast approaching, please join Intern Minister, Wendy Karn for an exploration way we can take care of ourselves and each other in these times of uncertainty.

Coming of Age Sunday

Please join us for this special youth led worship service as they share their credos and talk about acceptance and coming together in community. DRE Danielle Lewis and Wendy Karn, Intern Minister and the OCUUC Coming of Age youth. – Coming of Age Youth, DRE Danielle Lewis, Wendy Karn, Intern Minister

Generosity as a Spiritual Practice

Generosity is a core value of Unitarian Universalism that connects us to each other in relationships of interdependence and mutuality. How do we become more generous in a world that often leads us into a scarcity mindset?


Let us celebrate Juneteenth and the reparative justice that will move us into a hopeful future.


What role do birds play in the interdependent web of existence of which we are a part? Stunning new research has given new light to how birds interact with the natural world. In celebration of Earth Day, we’ll look at the gifts of birdsongs.

Love and Transformation

As Unitarian Universalists, we are called to adapt to the changing world. Change can be challenging and sometimes we may see it as easier to hang on to the familiar. When we have love under our wings, change can bring forth transformation only dreamed of. As we celebrate the first week of Spring, a season full of transformation and growth, we’ll explore our proposed new covenant together.

The Gift of Friendship

We humans are social animals and seeking companionship is part of our nature. How does friendship, or even the simple act of being friendly enrich our lives? You might be surprised by how much we really need each other.
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