Sermons by Rev. Judy Tomlinson

Sermons by Rev. Judy Tomlinson

Fire Communion: Moving Into Resolve

We will reflect on where life took us over the past year and set our resolve for the New Year. At this in-between time, we look on the past with forgiveness and letting go, while we look forward with purpose, hope, and joy. Our Fire Communion ceremony allows us to let go of the past and set our prayers and intentions for the new year.

Fire Communion

The fire communion separates the end of the year from the beginning, helping us to put in perspective the joys and sorrows, the changes and transitions, the ups and downs of the year. It’s a half-way point in our church year, but a celebration of the outside calendar year’s end and year’s beginning.

Fire Communion

Rev. Judy Tomlinson leads us in our annual Fire Communion, as we reflect in the space which marks the ending of 2022 and the start of 2023.

Annual Fire Communion Service

We will sit in the liminal transition space of the ending of 2021 and the beginning of 2022. This has been a year of reemerging and receding; a back-and-forth year. Many people are yearning for the waiting to be over and for a new beginning. Let’s take some time for deep reflection letting go of what has been as we prepare for what will be.

Flower Communion and Bridging

This service is the Unitarian Universalist multi-generational tradition of “Flower Communion.” If you are new to Unitarian Universalism, it’s a lovely tradition about embracing our diversity of thought and person by building a bouquet of flowers, with each person bringing a flower to add to the bouquet. We also lift up the bridging of our youth to adulthood this day.

Fire Communion: A Transitions Reflection.

We will sit in the liminal transition space of the ending of 2020. There are many things from 2020 that we would like to let go of, personally and nationally. And, many things to look forward to in the New Year. Join us for a time of deep reflection.

Water Communion

Traditionally, congregants bring a small amount of water from a special place. During the appointed time during the service, each person pours the water into a communal vessel and tells why this water is special to them. Due to the challenges of Covid-19, we will be guided through a virtual sharing and the symbolic blending of our faith coming from many different sources.

Fire Communion

Another year is coming to an end. All endings are beginnings. This service is an opportunity to say goodbye and let go of what no longer fits us. And, an opportunity to set an intention and say a prayer for the future. We will have a fire ritual.