Beloved Community

Beloved Community

The Truth Hurts, Falsehood Destroys

As we observed over the last year, a post-truth society is a pre-tyranny society. Without truth all liberal systems suffer: science, economics, democracy, and religion. Truth is strong but new technologies and siloed communities threaten to overwhelm truth with conspiracy theories and confirmation bias. Our world is facing an epistemological crisis. How do we know the truth?
Love one another written in chalk on sidewalk

Side with Love

In support of Black History Month, let us look at the state of our culture and how we are doing to dismantle our white supremacy culture.
LOVE neon sign

Revolutionary Love: All Church Worship!

Join 6 other UU churches as we come together in worship! Experience musical contributions from six different congregations, including a combined virtual choir piece. The Music Directors have all collaborated to create a very special service. Camp de Benneville Pines is the recipient of the offertory. Please click here to contribute: