Sanctuary Construction Update – Week #2
What a week of progress! Hoffman & Associates’ construction crew started off the work week on Monday, September 9 by removing the exterior parapet walls and removing material from the interior of the building to prepare for its demolition. “Demolition Day” followed on Wednesday, September 11 with a large CAT (Caterpillar brand) excavator tearing away the rear of the building. The activity was out of range of the construction camera but Rev. Sian and Bob Loeschen were there to document…
Sanctuary Construction Update – Week #1
Following our groundbreaking event on Sunday, September 1, our contractor began the day after Labor Day (September 3) to prepare the site for demolition. Bricks and pavers in the courtyard were removed to be reused later in the project and a chain link construction fence was installed surrounding the work site. They also capped the sewer and water supply and Edison removed the electric meter, de-energizing the building. Recyclable materials, including lumber, were removed from the building. A kick-off construction…
Fall Curriculum
As we approach the end of the summer the RE classes are finishing up their summer curriculum and excited to continue on their UU education. As we start the school year I am excited to introduce our fall curriculum as the RE elementary class will be starting the curriculum titled “Invitation”. This curriculum will teach on how to live in love as well as focusing on how Unitarian Universalism is a lived faith that inspires us to act, live, and…
UU Climate Justice Revival
September brings a special event to OCUUC and you’ll want to mark your calendar and make sure you don’t miss out. UU congregations across our country will be involved in the Climate Justice Revival developed by the UUA in order to renew our commitment to the planet, and we’re now “on the map” as a participating congregation which you can see at the Revival home page: I am proud to share that a strong team at OCUUC has come…
An Invitation
The monthly theme this month is “invitation” which is, for me, at the heart of Unitarian Universalist worship. We don’t have creeds or dogmas that “tell” people what to believe. We have people sitting in our pews that have all kinds of different beliefs – theists to atheists and everything in between. So it’s important that we respect the pluralism of our faith by making everything inviting. You might have noticed that I always “invite” people to meditation or to…
Construction Happenings
I know that we are all eager to hear the latest news on the sanctuary construction, and for that reason I asked Craig Spery, Chair of our Construction Committee, to give us an update. – Kathleen McFarlin As your Sanctuary Construction Committee Chair, I’m happy to give you a heads up about construction happenings that are on the immediate horizon for the beautiful new sanctuary we’ve all been waiting for. Since we signed and celebrated our con-tract last month with…
Construction is Coming!
Construction of the new sanctuary is right around the corner. The builder has the permits and has been ordering materials for our project. A construction trailer and storage trailer have been delivered and set up in the rear of the property along with two portable toilets. The official groundbreaking ceremony will take place on Sunday, September 1 immediately following the Sunday Service on the church courtyard. Please plan on joining us to celebrate the transition of this space into our beautiful…
Can Do Summer
We have been having a great time in the RE children’s class this summer as they have been continuing out “Can Do Summer” curriculum. This curriculum has been so much fun as it brings hands-on fun into each week’s lesson! So far, the RE Children have created fairy houses, created group murals, had paper airplane races, as well as had a couple exciting park days. Don’t worry, you haven’t missed out! There are still a lot more fun and exciting…
A Year in Review (Sorta)
It’s hard to believe that it has almost been a year since I’ve been at OCUUC. Time flies when you’re having fun! There are just too many things to highlight in one short article, but I do want to say some thanks. First of all, I would love to thank the amazing Music Director Search Committee for giving me this amazing opportunity. I’m sure it was a tough choice for them and I’m excited that I also get to work…
A New President
As your newly elected President of the Board, I want to thank you for your confidence in me. Although I served on the Board some years ago, I haven’t been recently involved in the Board’s work, so I ask for your patience and understanding as I get up to speed. As you may know, your Board meets each month; these meetings are typically conducted via Zoom, although once each quarter, we meet in person at the church on a Saturday…
Rest and Renewal
Last Sunday as part of Question Box Sunday, someone asked if I loved my job. I do! I absolutely love being your minister. I don’t want to be or do anything else. And being a minister is also exhausting. Isn’t that strange? We can love something, but it can also cause us “harm” – lose energy, feel run down, even burnt out if we let it. As a minister I notice that my work is in fact never done -…
We will get there
When Rev. Sian was recruiting me in 2021 for President, she said, “Just get the sanctuary built, we really need you for that.” Huh. Just get it built, right? The sanctuary has been the focus of all my terms and will continue to be so for the future, apparently. While working with the architect and the City has definitely had its trying moments, working with all of you has been wonderful. We have kept in communication and relationship, and I…