Sermons by Rev. Lee Marie Sanchez

Sermons by Rev. Lee Marie Sanchez

LOVE neon sign

Revolutionary Love: All Church Worship!

Join 6 other UU churches as we come together in worship! Experience musical contributions from six different congregations, including a combined virtual choir piece. The Music Directors have all collaborated to create a very special service. Camp de Benneville Pines is the recipient of the offertory. Please click here to contribute:


Defined as “the belief or assertion that a particular statement is true based on the intuition or perceptions of some individual or individuals, without ignorant assertions of falsehoods to deliberate duplicity or propaganda intended to sway opinions.” This could not be further from our 4th Unitarian Universalist Principle that “We covenant to affirm and promote a free and responsible search for truth and meaning.” I promise I will not try to trick you with “Fake News” or “Alternative Facts” this…

Spirit Says Do!

Spirituality, by my lights, is defined by our relationships; with ourselves, our communities and with that “Something Larger Than Ourselves,” however we define this: God, Goddess, Nature, the Community, the Cosmos. Our 3rd UU Principle is that we covenant to affirm and promote the “Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations,” which lines up perfectly with our progressive values, our inclusiveness and how we engage with the world.

Just Us

We covenant to affirm and promote Justice, Equity and Compassion in human relations. One might ask, “Justice for whom?” This would be another difference from some, as our work for justice is for “just us,” … all of us, even for those with whom we might disagree. Difficult at times, but for us, essential

In Here

Our First Principle in Unitarian Universalism is, “We covenant to affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person.” Together let’s take a look at what this means for us as individuals and a faith community. Please give some thought to whether this Principle offers you either comfort or is a challenge or affects you in any other way.


What do Unitarian Universalists believe? This sermon explores the history of how our Principles came to be, how we understand them, how we may apply them to our lives and perhaps make it easier to answer our question!