Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Orange Coast UU Church located?

We are in Costa Mesa at 2845 Mesa Verde East, on the corner of Mesa Verde East and Adams, behind Torelli Realty. You can find a map and directions on our Visitor's Page.

When are church services? How can I attend?

Services are held Sunday morning, at 10:30 am. Service can also be accessed online using Zoom for those preferring a remote option.

Services include music, hymns, readings, and a sermon. Our services are led by the Reverend Sian Wiltshire or guest speakers and explore a wide range of topics from social justice to various spiritual (and non-spiritual) beliefs. Explore upcoming services and find something that interests you.

Services are also recorded and are available in our sermon archive for viewing as well as the OCUUC YouTube channel. For other church programming such as the Humanist/Atheist Group, the Women’s Group, etc., please contact Judith Stamper, our VP of Programs at programs​ You are welcome to attend any groups even if you are new!

Do you offer religious education for my children?


Religious Education (RE) programming is offered for ages Pre-K through high school. Children and youth join us in Daniels Hall for the beginning of the service at 10:30am. After Time for All Ages, everyone participating in Religious Education heads to the RE/Admin building. Nursery care is also available.

For more information about religious education, contact Karen Magoon Pearson.

Any child is always welcome to attend the service with their caregiver if they do not want to participate in RE.

Who attends Orange Coast UU Church?

Members may have been raised in other religious traditions, but each person brings his or her own spiritual and life experiences. Some have children, others do not. Our members are single and married, gay and straight, of various ethnicities, abilities and backgrounds. While located in Costa Mesa, we are a congregation whose members also come from surrounding communities throughout Orange County. Orange Coast UU Church is handicap accessible.

How do people dress?

We are a diverse congregation, so some people dress up, and some dress casually. Wear what feels comfortable to you!

How do I get involved?

It’s always a challenge to enter a new community and it takes some effort. First, we invite you to attend a service, stay for coffee and conversation. There are always people happy to chat with you! Then come by the Welcome Table in the courtyard. There you can sign up for our weekly email (the Blast!) and monthly newsletter (the Reach) to learn more about the church. You can join a Sermon Discussion Group, other groups, sing in the choir or volunteer. However you choose to get involved, connecting with other newcomers or long-time members is vital to a full and rich life at church!

The Courtyard


The courtyard is our social area. Before and after the service, we gather to enjoy each other’s company, usually around hot beverages and snacks. Tables are set up for you to browse different programs. You can also sign cards set out by those on the Caring Ministry.

What are Joys and Sorrows?

Everyone is invited, whether a member, friend or visitor, to participate in our weekly ritual called “Joys and Sorrows.” In other churches it might be called “Prayer of the People.” It’s simply a time for you to honor the important people or events in your lives. It takes during the service, toward the end of it. People are invited to come forward to light a candle for their joy or sorrow. You can share your joy or sorrow with the entire congregation by writing it out on the form provided when you enter the service and giving it to the minister when you come forward to light your candle. These sharing forms will be read out loud by the minister and a Pastoral Care Associate. Or, if you prefer, you can simply come forward and light a candle in silence. You are also welcome to send an email to the minister if you cannot attend but would like something known.

What is a Welcoming Congregation?

All Unitarian Universalist churches are open and affirming to the LGBTQ community. But being named as a “Welcoming Congregation” means that this congregation has gone through a certification process which asks congregants to discern deeply what it means to support, affirm and celebrate the LGBTQ community. Orange Coast UU Church is proud to be a certified Welcoming Congregation!

Do I need to become a member to participate?

No, you are welcome to participate in all of our programs and activities, whether a member, friend or visitor. Take some time to discern if Orange Coast UU Church is right for you and if you'd like to become a member. After you get to know us a bit better, we ask that you consider membership and joining us as a formal member of the congregation.

How do I become a member?

Becoming a member means changing the way you see the church. It is no longer a place you visit once a week, but a place you call home. It’s yours. You own it. Sunday morning becomes less about being served and about serving others. You are now the host/hostess and you see the church as a place you want to be as welcoming as possible.

If you are ready for that, then you are ready to explore membership!

Who can I contact with other questions?

If you would like to learn more about us in person stop by the Welcome Table on Sundays or contact call us at (714) 556-2882. Let us know if there is anything more you'd like to know.
