Music Ministries

Music Ministries

There are many ways people of all ages can become involved in Music Ministries at OCUUC.

  • Orange Coast Choir
  • Instrumentalists
  • Vocalists
  • Technical help

For more information, e-mail Jakob Swetland.

Orange Coast Choir, OCUUC’s Adult Choir

Our Mission is to light our hearts and the hearts of others by sharing inspirational music that enhances worship.

Orange Coast Choir rehearses every Thursday evening (excluding summer and holidays) from 7:00pm to 8:30pm in Daniels Hall and on Zoom ( The choir is featured in Sunday morning services a few times a month.

We love to make music that is beautiful, that touches the spirit, warms the heart, and stimulates the intellect. We enjoy working hard to achieve our goals, and we value the satisfaction that comes when we do well. We sing a variety of music – classical art music, Broadway songs, folk tune arrangements, world music, and even some jazz.

Few of us are trained singers, but we grow in sight singing and vocal technique at each rehearsal. Many have been in the choir for several years, but some are newcomers. We enjoy learning new things and are open to many new vocal experiences.

How to Join Orange Coast Choir

We welcome experienced singers, novices, and even youth. The only requirements are that you love to sing, can match pitch and follow directions. Reading music is an advantage but is not required.  Contact Jakob Swetland to find out when is the best week to jump in, or just show up early to a rehearsal and talk to Jakob in person.

Technical Help: Sound and Slideshows

Are you an audiophile?  Do you like to work behind-the-scenes? We are looking for one or two more volunteers to help on Sunday mornings. These are incredibly important jobs that affect the quality of our worship services. Your commitment would be about once a month, and you would trained by shadowing another volunteer once or twice. In addition to the worship services, there are jobs for you at special events. You can volunteer to be a sound engineer, slideshow operator, slideshow creator, or set-up and clean-up crew. Contact Jakob if you’re interested in contributing to the life of the church in this way.