The Black church is filled with stories of resilience, hope and liberation. It is a place where people found joy often in times of joylessness. What can we Unitarian Universalists learn from the Black church?
Across the spectrum of churches, religious education for children and youth is in crisis – enrollment is rapidly declining. We need a revolution in religious education, but what might that look like? And why should you care? Rev. Sian Wiltshire with Danielle Lewis, Director of Religious Education. We will be doing some visioning and brainstorming after the service.
No, it’s not the zombie apocalypse, but with the new administration, climate change and wars around the world, it can feel like end-times to many. How do we respond to all this chaos as Unitarian Universalists?
The work continues at a rapid clip. The interior ceiling of the sanctuary has been painted black before the suspended ceiling is installed and the three operable skylights have been placed and tested. Drywall continues to be installed on the walls and part of the ceiling. The creation of the raised platform for the pulpit and choir areas has begun. The substructure will be eventually covered in oak. Preparations for the application of stucco on the exterior walls continues and…
One of my favorite poems is called “The Guest House” by Jalaluddin Rumi (12th C. Sufi Poet). It speaks to the wisdom that each of us have different “parts” – (“a joy, a depression, a meanness…”) and to welcome them all (“Welcome and entertain them all!”). That is, include them in who you are because each of these “parts” has something to teach you (“each has been sent as a guide from beyond”). But we often want to exclude these…
Choral music holds a vital place in society as a unifying and transformative art form. It brings individuals together from diverse backgrounds, fostering a sense of community and shared purpose through the collective act of singing. Beyond its ability to create harmony in a literal sense, choral music serves as a powerful medium for storytelling, preserving cultural traditions, and expressing the breadth of hu-man emotion. It provides opportunities for education, connection, and personal growth, teaching discipline, collaboration, and empathy. In…
Racism has a long history in our society, and is still having major consequences despite years of effort to combat it. We must continue to work together to dismantle the systems that perpetuate injustice and inequity.