Ways and Means

Ways and Means

The Ways and Means Committee is the think tank for our new fundraising efforts. Bring your creative ideas for raising money to help OCUUC fund new and existing programs. The Ways and Means committee is under the direction of the Finance Council.

Ways and What?

Many people ask what is Ways and Means and what do they do? Well, here it is in a nutshell. The goals of Ways and Means are to work with the VP Finance, Finance Council and other church committees/leaders/programs on the following:

Ways – Locating and developing WAYS to raise money for the congregation utilizing both internal and external sources.

Means - Living within our MEANS by reducing financial waste and helping our congregation operate more financially efficient.

Ways and Means – We will be undertaking, with the guidance of the Finance Council, some of the tasks of developing processes for a long term financial plan and budgeting process which will enable more congregational input throughout the process and encourage more long term financial stability for OCUUC.

Contact the committee by email at waysandmeans@ocuuc.org.