Welcome to the Orange Coast Unitarian Universalist Church!
I’m glad you are taking a moment to check us out! Here, we encourage questions and curiosity, even skepticism, in this church. Why? Because that is who we are – people who are curious, questioning and skeptics.
Unitarian Universalism is a new religion with a very old history. We come out of the progressive Christian tradition, but in the 20th century we went beyond our roots to embrace truth wherever it comes from. Our Seven Principles and Six sources, are the beginning of what it means to be a “UU” (as we often refer to ourselves) but they can tell you something about our values.
We are a church that welcomes people of all beliefs – even those that we might disagree with. In our church, you might sit next to an atheist, a pagan, a Buddhist, or a Christian; maybe a Hindu or an agnostic, or a Muslim. What do they all have in common? A sense that, despite our differences, we are united as human beings (Unitarianism) and that there is a universal connection, or love, inherent in all these traditions (Universalism). We agree to learn from one another and to travel our own paths alongside one another. And together we work for a more just and compassionate world.
And this isn’t easy work. But we are the future of church.
And we meet every Sunday (yes, like a “normal” church) to ask all sorts of questions and see what answers come up. We sing, we have sermons, we have coffee. But the content is unlike any church you’ve been to. Come check us out sometime. You’ll be glad you did!
Rev. Sian*
*pronounced like “Sean”
Check out the archive of Rev. Sian's sermons.