Intern Minister Notes

Intern Minister Notes

The regular column from Wendy Karn, intern minister. Wendy may be reached by email at

Share Ourselves

We are servants who provide care and assistance to those in need, and act as advocates for systemic change. Share Ourselves is a healthcare organization that provides comprehensive health and support services for the entire community. We believe everyone deserves access to quality healthcare. So, every day we break down the barriers to achieving optimal health. From serving as a comprehensive healthcare provider, to offering social services like financial assistance and food distribution, our approach considers all that it means…

It’s Earth Day, again!

My first sermon at OCUUC was commemorating Earth Day last year. Earth Day is always a good reminder that every day, we can do something to contribute to the health of the amazing planet that is our home. I know it’s hard to imagine how our individual actions can play a part when the changing climate, and poor practices continue to impact the planet our communities. We can and do make choices that make a difference, however. Every time you…


I spent the first week of February in Chicago for a week of intensive study at Meadville Lombard Theological School in Chicago. It was a week of learning, but also a week of deepening my connections with my cohort. Some of the best conversations I’ve had in my life have been in the community kitchen of the school during class breaks. Currently, I’m a few weeks into my 4th semester of seminary. Much of the work I do there is…


It’s hard to believe, but I’m starting the second half of my first year as the intern minister at OCUUC! I think it’s gone so quickly in large part, because of how welcoming you have been. It’s a joy to be in Beloved Community with you. I have been on a short winter break from my studies at Meadville-Lombard Theological School, but just started back at the end of January. During the second week of each semester, I have been…

MLK Day and Volunteering

This year, the federal holiday commemorating the life and work of Martin Luther King Jr. will be celebrated on 1/15. Barack Obama proclaimed the third Monday of January to be MLK Day in 2017, with the call to all Americans to participate in civic and community service projects. As Unitarian Universalists, we are called to care for each other and the wider world. One of the ways we live our values is through volunteerism. I know many of you participate…

Solstice Self-Care

It has been a joy to be part of this beautiful congregation. Thank you for making me feel so welcomed in your community. It’s a busy time coming into the month of December — I know. Before I received my call to ministry, I worked for Starbucks Coffee Company and sometimes that was really fun. But towards the end I found myself longing for January — that time when I could stop thinking about it for the next 10 months.…