

There are many ways to help out at OCUUC--and the church functions best when we all pitch in.

Here are some of the volunteering opportunities available.

Sunday Morning Sound & Slideshows

Volunteers are needed to help with sound and slides during the Sunday worship service. Training provided. Contact musicdirector@ocuuc.org.


The Hospitality Committee serves and cleans up the coffee on Sunday mornings after service. They can always use more help. No experience is needed. Contact hospitality.

Flowers for Sunday Service

We would like to have flowers in the sanctuary during every Sunday worship service. 

If you want either to bring your own flowers or to pay for flowers on a specific date, you need to reserve the date on the Flower Calendar, see Sandie Martin at the Flower Table after service on Sunday or email her at flowers@ocuuc.org.

Let Sandie know if you’d like to bring your own flowers on a particular date, or she can make an arrangement for you at a cost of $20 cash (or more if you’d like something extra special). 

If you wish, you may also indicate the person or event that the flowers honor in a Joy or Sorrow announcement.

Garden Maintenance

We need people to water the plants and trees in our gardens, and help care for our flower beds. If you would like to volunteer to be one of the people who keep our grounds beautiful, email grounds@ocuuc.org.

Helping OCUUC members and friends in need

Everyone occasionally needs some practical help. The Caring Committee sends out calls for help when a church member or friend is ill or disabled and needs:

  • Meals,
  • Visits, or
  • Rides to the doctor or to church

Go to the Caring Table on Sunday to sign up, or email caring@ocuuc.org.

Religious Education for Children and Youth

Every Religious Education classroom on Sunday mornings is required to have two adults present, for the safety and welfare of our children. One adult is the teacher; the other may be a co-teacher or assistant teacher, or may just be that second adult who needs to be present. You can volunteer to teach or help or just be present, and you can volunteer weekly, once a month, or on an as needed basis. Contact dre@ocuuc.org.

Set up and clean up

For any event that takes place at church, it is always greatly appreciated if you can arrive a little early to help set up, and/or stay after to help clean up. Many hands make light work!

Always check our current calendar to be certain an event time/location has not changed. 



On Sunday mornings, ushers hand out the order of service, help people find a seat, and pass the collection plate. To volunteer to usher, email ushers@ocuuc.org.