Sermons by Rev. Dr. Tom Owen-Towle
Lucky to be Here in the First Place!
Thanksgiving is one of our greatest holidays, because it honors not military prowess but spiritual freedom. Gratitude is a foundational virtue in our Unitarian Universalist faith.
The Art of Finishing Life Well!
Unitarian Universalism is increasingly a world of seniors. There exists a deep hunger to engage the difficult yet enlivening homestretch challenges of solitude and quest, joy and service, surrender and legacy. Tom is a bona fide elder who will share his notes. He has been a parish minister since 1967 and guest minister at many churches over the years. He also volunteers at nursing and youth homes and at his local San Diego homeless center.
Lucky to be Here in the First Place!
Thanksgiving is one of the greatest holidays because it honors not military prowess but spiritual freedom. Gratitude is a foundational virtue.
Is King Safely Dead?
2022 is the 54th anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s death. And as our country reckons mightily with our history of racism, we must come to grips with this brave and inconvenient hero. If King’s radical message remains vigorously alive, we must seriously ask what it truly demands of us right here, right now in America.
We Are Not Broken, Simply Unfinished!
Dear Siblings, we Americans are truly inspired by the words of the Inaugural poet, Amanda Gorman, as we aspire to grow more hopeful lives and world in 2021.
Better Angels of Our Nature
Moving together through these challenging times, we find ourselves, perhaps on a daily basis, reassessing our priorities.On this particular Labor Day weekend, I want to pay homage to our foremost job as an American people: building a land of liberty and justice for all. As our 22-year-old granddaughter, teaching ESL in South Korea, puts it: “2020 will be the year that we woke up?” So might it be!
Tom Owen-Towle Speaks
Rev. Dr. Tom Owen-Towle speaks.