Sermon Archive (Page 18)

Sermon Archive (Page 18)

Moral Injury

We live in a unique time, where humanity faces new moral questions. Come explore the answers to these new questions. What is Moral Injury: Feelings of guild and shame as a result of committing an act that violates one’s moral conscience or witnessing a similar act that one was unable or unwilling to prevent. Three Questions: What if fear was taken out of the equation? Whose voice is not being heard? What is love asking of us?

Tell Me the Story

Intern Minister Rica Kaufel and her mother, Angelika Kaufel with the story of “Stolpersteine” (Stumbling Stones).

Moppa Earth

Diversity abounds in nature, yet we struggle with embracing all the diverse ways we show up as human. On this earth day, what lessons can our planet and its denizens teach us? Rev. Sian Wiltshire

A Place of waiting

Often when we celebrate Easter, we want to jump from Good Friday straight to Easter Sunday, ignoring Holy Saturday, this day of waiting and not knowing. Yet right now, during these times, it is this day between, this place of waiting, not knowing, and hoping, that can give us comfort and inspiration.

Biannual Music Sunday

Our biannual Music Sunday service was on March 29th. We had been planning an almost-all music service featuring our choir, small groups, and soloists, but now that we’re all Safer At Home, the choir and small group numbers will have to wait until another day. We still want to acknowledge major milestones in U.S. women’s history: the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment – giving women the right to vote – plus the women’s rights movement in the 60s and…


What does it mean to be both distanced and connected in the age of COVID-19? Rev. Sian with Rica Kaufel as Worship Associate and Steve Morihiro as Virtual Usher launched our first Sunday Service through Zoom.

The Presence of Justice

Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., once said “True peace is not merely the absence of tension: it is the presence of justice.” What, then, is Justice? Rev. Sian is joined with Rev. Ranwa Hammamy of the Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry of California.

Words to Live By

We are inundated with advice these days – from advertisers (“Just do it!”), to memes, to famous quotes we tack on the bottom of our email signatures. Which advice do we follow? What words do you live by?