Work in Progress: Our New Sanctuary (Page 3)

Work in Progress: Our New Sanctuary (Page 3)

Follow the progress of the building of our new sanctuary!

Sanctuary Construction Update – Week #1

Following our groundbreaking event on Sunday, September 1, our contractor began the day after Labor Day (September 3) to prepare the site for demolition. Bricks and pavers in the courtyard were removed to be reused later in the project and a chain link construction fence was installed surrounding the work site. They also capped the sewer and water supply and Edison removed the electric meter, de-energizing the building. Recyclable materials, including lumber, were removed from the building. A kick-off construction…

Construction is Coming!

Construction of the new sanctuary is right around the corner. The builder has the permits and has been ordering materials for our project. A construction trailer and storage trailer have been delivered and set up in the rear of the property along with two portable toilets.  The official groundbreaking ceremony will take place on Sunday, September 1 immediately following the Sunday Service on the church courtyard. Please plan on joining us to celebrate the transition of this space into our beautiful…

November Sanctuary Update – part 2

According to our sanctuary architect Toni Pyjar from domusstudio, who is our primary liaison with the City of Costa Mesa, things have been moving along this week: PlanningThe new planner assigned to the project, Christopher Aldana, has communicated with us many times this week. I’ve found him to be very responsive and service-oriented. A much-deserved breath of fresh air from the planning dept.He reviewed the site photometrics and the existing parking lighting passed entirely, except one area in the southwest…

November Sanctuary Update

Here is the latest update provided to our new OCUUC sanctuary project team from Toni Pyjar, our project architect contact at domusstudio, who is our primary liaison with the City of Costa Mesa. “We have some good news for you. We received some plan check comments from the City! Upon first review, they appear to have no significant architectural impact on the project scope. We will request clarification of some of their comments and; of course, advocate with the church’s…

May Sanctuary Update

The New Sanctuary Construction Committee continues to focus its efforts on work with our architect to provide additional materials requested by the new City of Costa Mesa planner. It has been a long and frustrating process that has recently culminated in contacts with experienced Assistant Director of Development Services Scott Drapkin to discuss concerns in hopes of expediting the review process. Once review of the materials is completed by the planner, the project will finally move closer toward the City…

February Sanctuary Update

The New Sanctuary Construction Committee, a subcommittee of the Property Use Group (PUG), focused its efforts this past month on work with our architect to provide additional materials requested by the new City of Costa Mesa planner. Once review of the materials is completed by the planner, we hope the project will finally move closer toward the City granting our building permit. Our team is patiently awaiting a reply from the City in the near future and we’ll let you…

January Sanctuary Update

January 2022 kicks off the start of a milestone year at OCUUC as we begin deconstruction of the two-story Suite 4 and construction of the new sanctuary where Suite 4 once stood. Hooray! The question Nancy Loughrey and I are asked most often is “when will the deconstruction and construction activity begin on site?” And the answer we provide is the same–when we receive our building permit. Once that happens, the process will move full speed ahead toward a dedication…

December Sanctuary Update

The sanctuary committee met with the architect, domusstudio, on November 10 on Zoom to discuss project status and information requested by the City of Costa Mesa for approval of the Development Review Plan. Committee members who worked on the original new sanctuary plan back in 2013 were able to access important documents from that project including the shared parking agreement with Piecemakers and Torelli Real Estate. Additionally we contacted Dig Alert to verify that the location of the existing underground…

October Sanctuary Update

As we get closer to the targeted date of early February 2022 when the demolition of the existing Suite 4 building is to take place, there are a number of tasks that are in need of completion. The construction committee continues to move forward on these requirements in collaboration with our architect, domusstudio. Most importantly we are awaiting feedback on the Development Review Plan submitted last month to the City of Costa Mesa Department of Development Services. Once feedback is…

September Update

This past week we submitted our Development Review Plan to the City of Costa Mesa Department of Development Services. Prepared by domusstudio in collaboration with the landscape architectural firm, the structural engineer, the geotechnical engineer, the civil engineer and the contractor, the comprehensive design review application is a requirement for the building permit submittal application. All property owners within a 500 foot radius of the new sanctuary will receive notification of the pending project now that the application has been…

A Busy August for the New Sanctuary Team

The Sanctuary Construction Committee continues this month to work with the consultants of its team to refine plans and make decisions to hold costs in line while ensuring the new building will meet the needs of the congregation now and in the future. Last week the entire committee met with domus studio architect David Keitel and Hoffman & Associates construction supervisor John Pascale for a lengthy session to discuss where we are on the timeline and what we need to…

A Milestone Meeting

On Friday, July 23rd the courtyard was buzzing with activity as our sanctuary architect, David Keitel of domus studio, invited representatives of the lead contractor and subcontractors to join our OCUUC Sanctuary Construction Committee for an onsite visit. The lead contractor John Pascale of Hoffman Associates rolled out construction plans for electrical, demolition, painting, glass and landscaping subcontractors to review and discuss. Lots of activity is underway as we move into August. As always, if you have any questions or…