Unitarian Universalists draw wisdom from other world religions, to inspire us "in our ethical and spiritual life." One of those religions is Judaism, and an important Jewish holiday is coming up in April: Passover, which lasts this year from sunset April 22 to sunset April 30.
The Passover "Seder" is a ritualized meal which includes eating symbolic foods and telling the story of the Israelites' escape from Egypt. For Unitarian Universalists, the meaning of the story extends to the liberation of oppressed people everywhere. The Seder also includes some fun activities for children.
Everyone is welcome to the Seder. The traditional foods and wine will be provided, for a suggested donation of $5 per person (under 10 free). Cooks are needed for a few dishes! The remainder of the meal will be potluck. (No pork products or items made with yeast, please.) Help with setup and cleanup will also be appreciated!
Please sign up by emailing maureenm@ocuuc.org State what you food you plan to bring, and whether you are able to arrive early or stay late to help.