April Updates

April Updates

Getting to a building permit is an exercise in patience and is full of frustration for me. We continue to make progress at a snail’s pace. At this point, there have been so many missed expectations by both the city and our architect, I truly don’t feel confident in any promises. I do know the ball is back in the city’s court. We are waiting for a response to our fourth submission. I am committed to keeping everyone informed and please feel free to ask if you would like an update.

The March 24th service included some comments on the proposed revisions to Article 2 of the UUA bylaws. Based on what I am hearing, we will be needing more opportunities for discussion. Watch the Blast for times. There will be a vote at General Assembly in June.

We are in the middle of our pledge drive for our fiscal year starting July 1. Many thanks to those of you who have already pledged. We are a great congregation! In addition, many thanks to the Pledge Drive CommIttee, Debra Quam, Sandie Martin, Meg Wilson, and Tom Loughrey for their great leadership. Please support them by getting your pledges in by the middle of April.

We will get there!

Nancy Loughrey

Nancy Loughrey was Orange Coast Unitarian Universalist Church's Board President.