Do you knit, crochet, sew, or enjoy any other crafts? Do you believe in using your skills to help others?
Then you might be a StitchWit!
StitchWits is a group of crafters dedicated to creating handmade items for church members and various charities.
StitchWits meets every Tuesday at 2 pm on Zoom. This meeting is open to all and newcomers are welcome.
Join Zoom Meeting by clicking on this link.
Meeting ID: 897 7088 7113
Passcode: 410140
If you do not knit, crochet, or sew and would like to learn this would be an excellent opportunity to begin. Pictures and info of some of our past projects will be available on the OCUUC StitchWits Facebook page. Please contact us at if you have any questions or would like to connect with a group member who can get you started.
Check out our Facebook page to see what we’ve been up to!