Last Sunday as part of Question Box Sunday, someone asked if I loved my job. I do! I absolutely love being your minister. I don’t want to be or do anything else. And being a minister is also exhausting. Isn’t that strange? We can love something, but it can also cause us “harm” - lose energy, feel run down, even burnt out if we let it. As a minister I notice that my work is in fact never done - there is always that pastoral call I can make, that project that needs boosting, that email to be answered, the sermon to be picked at. And after a while, it can get exhausting trying to keep up. I’m guessing you know the feeling as most of us have had jobs that we’ve loved and that can also be tiring.
If you find yourself in a similar situation, then you know the antidote: Rest and renewal. As your minister I have one day off a week (Mondays) - and sometimes not even that. So, to compensate, the church gives me a lot of time off. And it is that time of year (summer) when I take a big chunk of it. I’ll be gone from June 23 to July 29th, visiting family and resting my mind, body and spirit so I can come back to you renewed with creativity, joy and energy - all that you deserve in your minister. May you too get the rest and relaxation you need this summer - take care of all your beautiful minds, bodies and spirits!
With love,
Rev. Sian
Rev. Sian Wiltshire is Orange Coast Unitarian Universalist Church's minister. Please feel free to reach out and say hello! She can be reached by email,, or by church phone at (714) 556-2882 (x302).