Talking With Children About Traumatic Events

Talking With Children About Traumatic Events

How do we talk about traumatic events with our children? The Orlando shootings have the nation, and parts of the world, in an emotional and media upset. Our children can be extremely vulnerable at this time, and be unable to articulate their sadness and concerns. Here is some help on how to talk to the children and youth in your life. This Washington Post article has suggestions and talking points to help you with these conversations:

"They [children and youth] will look to adults for information and guidance on how to react. Parents and school personnel can help children feel safe by establishing a sense of normalcy and security and talking with them about their fears."

Please take a few minutes to read the entire article. Our faith community encourages our kids to be open and ask questions; be prepared to help them. Our LGBTQ youth are particularly vulnerable at this time.

Understanding this event, grieving, and working to create positive change are the work ahead of us all.
