Open Mic Night

Open Mic Night

Every Spring, Music Ministries hosts an Open Mic Night - a completely free event where people of all ages, abilities, and experience can share their talents. In the past we've had poetry readings, dog acts, stand-up comedy, in addition to musical acts. Last year's Open Mic Night was the last event held at the church before the quarantine began. This year, since we're still quarantined, we're going to host the Open Mic Night, and participants will perform LIVE on Zoom. Open Mic Night will be Saturday, April 3 at 7pm at Zoom #393 157 9606. If you'd like to perform, email me to get on the roster and set up a tech rehearsal on the Thursday or Friday before the event. Performers must pre-register. I hope many of you will perform and/or attend as an audience member.

If you've enjoyed some of the artists' videos we've shared during Sunday services, you might want to check out the church's YouTube channel. I've created a playlist of all the outside videos we've shared - by Lea Morris, The Aeolians, lutist Christopher Wilke (who is Alex Bailey's cousin, by the way), and India.Arie. And of course we also have the playlist of OCUUC-created music videos on our YouTube channel as well. Make sure to subscribe to our channel to get notified of new additions.

As many of us are starting to get vaccinated, and as spring emerges, we might get a little antsy to gather again at the church. A Reopening Committee is working hard to address the complicated issues about worshiping and meeting again at the church building, so stay tuned for more information coming. But just a heads-up that singing together in Daniels Hall will be one the last things that return. Singing is a super-spreader activity because of the intense exchange of air involved in that activity. So it's possible we will be able to worship in Daniels Hall but without being able to sing. Of course those participating on Zoom from home will be able to sing, though. It's going to be a strange transition, and we have no idea how long it will take to return to our full worship experience. I miss singing together terribly, and I will be so excited when we can sing loud and strong; but not until it's safe to do so. I just wanted us all to start thinking about this aspect. Give a little compassion to the singers you know who have had to put their soul-feeding practice on the shelf for over a year. When we fully return, there will be a joyful noise indeed! Until then, be well.

Musically Yours,
Beth Syverson

Beth Syverson was Orange Coast Unitarian Universalist Church's Director of Music Ministries for 22 years.