COVID-19 Response

COVID-19 Response

Dear Beloved Members and Friends of OCUUC,

Even though in-person worship has resumed, online worship using Zoom is still available. Find further details about Zoom and how to access this service from wherever you happen to be. Come be a part of our beloved community, and stay connected in this time of social distancing.

Here's the link:

March 2023 update:

The COVID Task Force has decided to relax the requirement to wear masks on-site. Of course, anyone may wear them if they choose and we support their decision. This includes Daniels Hall and our Religious Education classrooms.

We continue to ask that anyone who is not feeling well stay home. Please do continue to report any COVID cases to our Congregation Nurse so she will know if we are at risk of having a local outbreak.

We will continue to monitor Orange County numbers and the news for any changes. COVID has not gone away, so please stay safe!

COVID Task Force
Nancy Loughrey
Rev. Sian Wiltshire
Karen Magoon-Pearson
Beth Syverson
Marilyn Giss
Debra Quam
Meg Wilson