Sunday, September 1, 2024
It's time to celebrate! Join us in the courtyard on Sunday, September 1, 2024 immediately following the church service as we officially break ground to begin construction of the long-awaited sanctuary project. The event will include something for all ages so we hope that everyone in the church family will plan on attending.
Our builder, Hoffman & Associates Construction has the permits and has been ordering materials, some which have a long lead time. A construction trailer and storage trailer are now on site in our parking lot along with two portable toilets and a handwashing station. During the week after Labor Day the contractor will install construction fencing around the entire construction site and will also stage the surrounding area with a temporary electrical power pole. Certain parking areas will be blocked off for use as material storage.
Throughout the 10-month construction process, the congregation will have full access to Daniels Hall and the RE/Administration buildings and a part of the courtyard area including the pergola. Both our long-term and short-term renters will also continue to have access to their meeting spaces as well throughout construction. Construction activity will take place during the work week during usual business hours. No construction will be scheduled for the weekends.
Everyone using the church campus will be able to view construction activity through the construction fence from the courtyard throughout the estimated 10 months the project is taking shape. Members of our construction committee - Debra Quam, Audrey Prosser, Barbara Morihiro, Bob Loeschen, Nancy Loughrey and Craig Spery - will be available during coffee hour to give updates as construction milestones are reached. However, as with any construction site, the fenced in area where activity is occurring will be off limits for safety reasons.
Signage will mark the off-limit areas. While we’ll welcome “sidewalk supervisors,” we ask that everyone abide by messages on the signs. Labor Day will certainly take on a new meaning at OCUUC this year. These are indeed exciting times in the life of our congregation.
Visit the New Sanctuary Update for more information and to view the updated architecture renderings.