Sermon Archive (Page 6)

Sermon Archive (Page 6)

Christmas Eve Service

Come join the choir and Rev. Sian for our annual Christmas Eve service, spreading light and love into the world. NOTE: There is no Sunday morning service on Christmas Eve! Our Christmas Eve service will be held at 7pm, instead.

Miracles and Mysteries

Thomas Jefferson once created his own bible by cutting out all the miracle stories in the Bible. He was more interested in the philosophy of the bible. I can’t blame him. But maybe there’s a way we can understand miracles – not as something that requires a God to occur, but rather that requires curiosity.

I Wonder…

As the story goes, a star once motivated three wise men to go on a long journey. Where do you find wonders and miracles in your life? And what the heck is a miracle anyway?!

Are We the Universe?

Carl Sagan once said, “We are the cosmos made conscious and life is the means by which the universe understands itself.” This philosophy is part of “Process Theology.” Come explore what this means for Unitarian Universalists and the world.


Cultivating generosity and gratitude sounds easy, but it isn’t always when we have so many stressors in our lives. As we gear up for the holidays, how can we cultivate a feeling of generosity and gratitude without overwhelming ourselves?

Transgender Day of Remembrance and Resilience

Transgender Day of Remembrance and Resilience has been observed annually on November 20 since 1999. This day memorializes transgender individuals who have been victims of violence and hate crimes because of their gender identity. As global day of mourning and activism, we will honor those who we have lost and examine how to best support and love our beloved transgender community.

Good vs. Evil

In honor of Diwali, the Hindu Festival of Lights, we will be exploring the concept of Good and Evil. How do we know as UUs what is good or evil? How do we define both? Come explore these concepts with Rev. Sian.

For the Love of Pets

Today we celebrate our furry, feathered and scaley friends who bring so much love into our lives. You are invited to bring your pet for a blessing. If your pet would find it too stressful, you are welcome to bring a picture. Zoomers can show theirs off on camera! We will have a barking good time as we honor these beautiful beings in our lives!

All Souls Sunday

Many cultures see this time between Fall and Winter to be a time of remembrance. Dia de los Muertos, Samhain, and All Souls Day are just some of the holidays happening at this time. In this service, we will look at these traditions. How do we honor the legacies of our loved ones who are no longer with us? What were some of the beautiful gifts they shared?

Dùthchas and Cianalas

The Scottish Gaelic concepts of Dùthchas and Cianalas invite us to consider our relationship to the land; that perhaps we don’t own the land, but the land owns us. How might that change the way we understand our relationship to the land we live on?

Love After Death

Not everyone will cure a disease or pass on great wealth (or even great genes!). So how might we all leave a legacy that will make the world a better place? And how might we do that right here in Orange County?

Crossing Borders

Global Unitarian Universalism. Did you know that Unitarian Universalism is found all around the world? From India to Africa; from the UK to Romania; Canada to Mexico; Australia to the Philippines. What might we learn from these other ways of being Unitarian Universalists?