Becoming Transformers
“Transforming our communities by living our Principles” is the second half of our mission statement. How do we do this as Unitarian Universalists?
Transforming our Lives by Living our Principles
This is part of our Mission Statement at OCUUC. But how do you live our Principles? How do you make ethical decisions that are in line with them and your values? We all make choices, but how we make those decisions is important.
The Gift of Friendship
We humans are social animals and seeking companionship is part of our nature. How does friendship, or even the simple act of being friendly enrich our lives? You might be surprised by how much we really need each other.
Self-Care for Social Justice
What if taking care of ourselves was the secret ingredient needed to create positive social change? When we rest, we are creating space for our best wisdom to emerge.
How the West Became WEIRD
The US is a WEIRD (Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic) culture. How does this make us different from other countries now and in the past? And is it a good thing or a bad thing?
The Social Implications of Universalism
In 1915 the Reverend Clarence Skinner wrote The Social Implications of Universalism, which has been praised and reviled over the years. Rev. James Ford believes taking it whole with flaws and brilliance and insight in about equal measures, it suggests what Unitarian Universalism might be at the beginning of the twenty-first century.
Our Forgotten Black UU History
February is Black History month and this week we will be looking at UU Black history. There is quite a lot of it and much of it has been forgotten or brushed aside. Let’s bring this important part of our history to light!
Was Jesus Woke?
What is woke-ism? Depending on who you talk to, it is either a good thing or a bad thing. Let’s have some fun today as we talk about this challenge facing our western culture.
Leadership and Love
There are many ways to lead in the world, but without love, it can be tyranny. Hear from two “leaders” who share their stories of loving while leading.
Remembering Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
In this service, we’ll examine how the influence of this powerful leader lives on in our community and in our dreams for the future.
Resistance is Futile
The War and Peace within Us. It’s that time of year we make resolutions to change – but after an initial burst of steam, we run into resistance and often then fail. How do we make peace with the war going on inside ourselves?
Fire Communion
The fire communion separates the end of the year from the beginning, helping us to put in perspective the joys and sorrows, the changes and transitions, the ups and downs of the year. It’s a half-way point in our church year, but a celebration of the outside calendar year’s end and year’s beginning.