Sermon Archive (Page 3)

Sermon Archive (Page 3)


Yes! It’s finally here! We are breaking ground on our new sanctuary. Come celebrate with us as we honor where we’ve been and where we are going.

Can You Hear Me?

How we feel, think and reason happens electrically; autonomically. It is often affected more by the subconscious programming of our early youth and by external influences than by our conscious, mindful selves. So how can our opinions and ideas be heard and understood by others? It seems impossible. If we understand those unaccounted for parameters that define what thoughts are and where they come from, we can both listen and be heard more clearly.

Love Talk

Leading a life with heart. What if you died tomorrow? Would you leave this earth knowing that your loved ones knew of your love? Or would they mourn you without ever knowing? How do we live every day with love at the center?

State of the UUnion

Lots has happened in our denomination and in our country lately. We live in interesting times! Join Rev. Sian Wiltshire as she reflects on what it means to be a democracy (or not) in both these areas of our lives.

“Please Covenant Responsibly”

Unitarian Universalism is all about relationship: being in covenant together, and returning to it when we inevitably break it. Today, guest minister KC Marie Pandell explores the meaning of that relationship, and how we can live into our values by doing the work of repair.


Lawrence Ingalls will be talking about his mixed Native American, Scottish, and Mexican background. He believes there is a need for more people to learn how to engage in complex conversations.

Face the Music and Dance

Popular guest speaker, and UCLA oncology chaplain, Michael Eselun will explore the dance we do between acceptance and self-compassion. If we reach for acceptance of our circumstances as a pathway to inner peace, what part does self-compassion play?

Is it Binary or Not?

Life is complicated, and sometimes confusing. When we try to oversimplify things by asking for a clear, definite answer, we lose the nuances and subtleties that often make the biggest differences. In the Western World, we are taught to think rationally, logically and in this binary fashion. Often, however, the answer to the question, “is it this or is it that?” is … yes.


Let us celebrate Juneteenth and the reparative justice that will move us into a hopeful future.