Sermon Archive

Sermon Archive

Sunday School 2.0

Across the spectrum of churches, religious education for children and youth is in crisis – enrollment is rapidly declining. We need a revolution in religious education, but what might that look like? And why should you care? Rev. Sian Wiltshire with Danielle Lewis, Director of Religious Education. We will be doing some visioning and brainstorming after the service.

How to Survive an Apocalypse

No, it’s not the zombie apocalypse, but with the new administration, climate change and wars around the world, it can feel like end-times to many. How do we respond to all this chaos as Unitarian Universalists?

Stories from the Civil Rights Movement

Join us as we explore, author Annemarie Mingo’s account of how Black Churchwomen’s understanding of God became action and transformed a nation, as we celebrate Martin Luther King Day.

Fire Communion: Moving Into Resolve

We will reflect on where life took us over the past year and set our resolve for the New Year. At this in-between time, we look on the past with forgiveness and letting go, while we look forward with purpose, hope, and joy. Our Fire Communion ceremony allows us to let go of the past and set our prayers and intentions for the new year.

Christmas Eve 2024

Wendy Karn, our Intern Minister, will lead this special service filled with stories of hope and songs of peace and joy to the world.

The Winter Solstice

In this service we will celebrate the gifts and magical things that appear in darkness as we welcome the first days of Winter.


Finding the Sacred in Everyday Chaos. Ah, December: A time of crazy making for many. How do we find the holy amid all the chaos of this holiday period?

Getting Pulled Together

Lessons from the Great Attractor. There are many mysteries in the Universe and none more so than the “Great Attractor.” Come learn about this cosmic phenomenon and what we can learn from it.

Sparks of Inspiration

Where do you find inspiration – for art? For life? For love? Come explore how we create the sparks of inspiration and make sure we don’t get burned!