December Notes 2013

December Notes 2013

Minister’s Message

My Committee On Ministry (COM) recently asked me to evaluate how I think things are going in the first 100 days of my ministry here. It was somewhat tongue-in-cheek, reminiscent of analysis the media likes to do of our political leaders. But it did get me thinking. Most ministers take their first year just listening, getting to know people and settling into the position. We haven't had that luxury due to our current financial situation. Instead, we've been hitting the ground running: shaking up worship, renovating, starting taskforces, fundraising, mission building, laying groundwork for years to come. The staff are excited and being creative; the leadership is tackling big decisions; attendance is up in both services. If I had to say anything about the first 100 days it is that it has been quite the ride!

I do think that 100 days is enough time to fall in love. I fall in love every time I see people come to worship, when they share with me their joys and sorrows, when I see them struggle with difficult decisions and listen to one another. I fall in love when people plop themselves on my couch and me "So what can I do to help?" or "How can I help make this ministry successful?" I can't tell you what that means to me! In these first 100 days I feel supported -  like I'm not in this alone.

This congregation is about building something beautiful - a community that takes care of one another and it's surrounding community. In these first 100 days we have begun to build bonds through creative problem solving, coming together and working it out. That is the power of community. And whatever we face in the future, we will do so together. So lets take each 100 days at a time and slowly but surely, we will face the challenges of our future and meet them head on.

Rock on, my people, rock on!

Covenant Groups are Coming!

Covenant Groups are a form of small group ministry and consist of 8-10 people (members and friends) who gather at least once a month to nurture connections and spiritual growth with one another. There are at least three covenant groups in the church that have been going for a very long time. We won't be changing anything to those wonderful ministries. Rev. Sian in conjunction with the facilitators, will be offering new covenant groups starting in mid-January with a slightly different format. Keep your eyes on the Blast and Announcements for further information about how to sign up, and when and where the groups will be meeting. If you have any questions please contact Nancy Loughrey or Rev. Sian.

Rev. Sian Wiltshire is Orange Coast Unitarian Universalist Church's minister. Please feel free to reach out and say hello! She can be reached by email,, or by church phone at (714) 556-2882 (x302).