President’s Corner – June 2016

President’s Corner – June 2016

Where has the time gone? It hardly seems like it could be two years since I became your president. When I first took on this job I knew that I had some big shoes to fill following Katherine Martin. She had the job of moving us from Victoria to Mesa Verde and bringing on a new minster to OCUUC. As I reflect on this what I have come to realize is that no one does this job on their own. It is only done through the work of many others both as volunteers and as staff. I now know that is how Katherine got it all done and it is how I have managed and I assume it will be the same who follow us. I cannot tell you how grateful I have always been when I needed to have someone take up a job and their response was “yes, I can do that.” It happened so often. I also appreciated those who had to tell me they could not take something on but had suggestions as to whom to ask next and in all humility suggested they could do it better. It is the sort of graciousness I have encountered time and again over these two years. To those of you have been part of that, and you are numerous, thank you! And to those who have thanked me please know that I only accept it for those who really did the work.

On June 12th we will have our Annual Meeting. It will be after the service on Sunday. A cornerstone of Unitarian Universalism is built around our fifth principle. As a congregation, no one tells us what we must do, but we are instructed to exercise our right of conscience and the use of a democratic process in our collective decision making. It is best done when as many of us as possible can get together at one time and at one place to conduct the business of the church. I hope you will make it a priority. Skip the lunch with a friend, have the kids stay over a little longer and come into the meeting, see the movie at a later time that same day, plan an easier meal for dinner. Do whatever you have to do to come to the meeting. Like voting on June 7th, you don’t have to do it but it is a right and a privilege you don’t want to ignore.

Going on around church… We have a new tenant in Suite 8. It is Shri Veda Wellness, a holistic practice of Pilar Chandler. We welcome her to her new home and wish her every success in her business and practice. The promised sewer work was completed last week. Thanks to Bob Loeschen from buildings and grounds being here the whole time to supervise. The parking lot improvements should be made this month. I have signed the contract and hope the work will start soon.

As we close out our fiscal year I ask you to remember the church and the financial promises and obligations we have made. Please make your best effort to complete your pledge for this fiscal year. New pledges start on July 1. Also, if you have an outstanding balance from your fall 2015 auction or even last year’s spring auction, I hope you will bring those up to date. Of course, you can always pay off the spring auction from just a couple of weeks ago or make a payment on it. Every bit helps us get through the end of year so we can meet our obligations.

Finally, thank you for allowing me the privilege of serving as your president these past two years. It has been an honor.

In faithful service,

Tom Loughrey